Porridge Health Benefits

Porridge Health Benefits
Porridge is a warm breakfast made out of oatmeal that has been boiled and prepared slowly until it gets thick.

Porridge is a warm breakfast made out of oatmeal that has been boiled and prepared slowly until it gets thick. Porridge contains iron, protein, magnesium, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin B and phytochemicals. Porridge can boost your immune system and fight all kinds of infections. There isn’t a better way to gain the strength and energy to carry you through a crazy morning schedule than with a bowl of freshly cooked porridge.

Porridge Health Benefits

Immunity booster

Vitamin A is a vitamin that your body needs for vision, cell and tissue growth and reproduction. It is also an antioxidant, that destroys free radicals. It also reduces the risk for chronic disease. A cup of porridge has more than 1,450 units of vitamin A.

Fights hearth diseases

Porridge provides a healthy and natural source of fibers and fibers have been proven to reduce cholesterol. Porridge contains fibers called beta-glucan. These particular fibers are like a sponge in your intestines and they absorb and eliminate acids that are rich in cholesterol. This process is known to lower bad LDL cholesterol, which improves the health of our heart and lowers our blood pressure.

Stabilize blood sugar

Eating porridge daily can reduce the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. The fibers in the  porridge help slow the absorption of sugar, that can  improve blood-glucose levels for people who struggle with diabetes. Controlling blood glucose levels reduces your risk of  stroke, kidney problems, and heart disease.

Improves your energy levels

If your breakfast consists of a sugar, packed cereal and a coffee, then no wonder why you always struggle to get through the morning. Sugar helps you wake up, but you’ll be crushing down a few hours later. A bowl of porridge, with its slow releasing complex carbohydrates really helps you sustain your energy levels through the whole morning.

Excellent for weight loss

High-fiber foods, such as porridge, not only help with digestion, but they also help you lose weight. Porridge is low in calories but high in volume, which means is very filling. To keep calories down, you can even make it with water or skimmed milk. The best thing is that a bowl of porridge contains only 200 calories.

It helps you live longer

The oldest man in Britain, who died at the age of 109, put his age and good health down to a daily bowl of porridge.

Porridge Health Benefits
Porridge is a warm breakfast made out of oatmeal that has been boiled and prepared slowly until it gets thick.